80% of the environmental impact of any product is defined in the initial profile of its characteristics in the conceptualization stage.
Because every company and product is different, we personalize the working processes and methodologies. We understand Ecodesign to be the application of value criteria to the product which, through respect for the Environment and based on Biomimicry, allows us to generate a design optimization process. But above all, it is the responsibility of the company and the designer towards our planet.
Aspects such as the reduction of components, references and materials, a product’s durability and the minimization of waste are all necessary in the conceptualization of the design.
Alignment with the principles of Circular Economics and the intersection between environmental and economic aspects will guide design in coming years. Therefore, sustainable design today is a reality to be adopted by companies and is where we must focus ourselves.
Finding the balance between the needs of the client, the resources provided and the principles of ecodesign lead to a product design strategy.
The application of basic ecodesign criteria when thinking about the design leads to value proposals aligned with the optimization of resources and a sustainable design.
At Innova Industrial Design, these values are our basic industrial design rules.
In this case, we can see how less is more as an ecodesign criteria. Eliminating materials, such as the use of just one polymer and eliminating other components, such as the metal tweezers and its assembly, defined the project itself and its formal aspects.
Generating Friendly products for users leads to an optimal user experience.
The objective was to generate a shading structure solution with a high level of adaptation to the architectural environment. To do so, we chose to focus on solutions with a simple visual. We focused on ecodesign criteria such as:
These concepts were applied as differential values of the design