Industrial creativity and product prototyping
Observing to advance
We combine our resources and experience with the company’s.
Product innovation is always in response to an opportunity, a plan and a team. Strategic design must be guided towards the application of a plan where risks and deadlines have been identified. Therefore, our company can offer a solution to order, where our analysis tools can help generate solutions adapted to the company and the market.
The Briefing generated must be the basis of the design work which makes a relatively quick visualization of the proposals possible. This is the method used to establish the company’s experience and know how. The conceptualization of solutions based on different value parameters that allows them to be visible through the projects.
Ideas are important, but knowing how to make them tangible is even more so. The key is in the solutions.
This is why our company is always focused on the analysis and generation of a high-level Briefing, founded on a global vision of everything that design encompasses; Trends, Know How, materials, industry, processes and technology.
Our experience in various sectors and business models allows us to offer clients important Know-How. Identifying value parameters, challenges and the application of tools such as Design Thinking where innovation and creativity take the lead.
MVP conceptualization and its implementation in the company starting from Interim Manager services.
Our vision for innovation is not directly related to the capacity for investment, but to the attitudes of our team members. For all these reasons, we are clear that barriers are to be overcome and in a global market, where knowledge has been democratized, the generation of high-level work teams is the first competitive advantage.
The dynamism of the markets is influenced by the elevated number of global parameters which, from a global, planned and reflexive point of view, can only be chosen for competitiveness.
Digital technology, climate change and the need for clean energies… New consumer trends and exponential technological growth demands a response that meets these challenges head on. Our company has generated an open source code among high-level partners that we transfer to our projects. Industrial design in the element that integrates our co-innovation.
Innova Industrial Design, using agile design methodologies, generates disruptive solutions using multi-disciplinary and inter-generational working teams in finding global solutions. The continuous succession of business opportunities demands a constant review of design procedures, generating iterative procedures. Therefore, we rely on Design Thinking processes to promote creative solutions for our company and clients.
Our methodologies favour continuous improvement process applied to product design and the interaction between company/designer work teams. All this favours agility in procedures and the quality of the resulting work, the Design.
The common denominator of the projects designed by our company in such different sectors is our capacity for analysis. If the Briefing conclusions are adequate, focused on the characteristics of the design and its functional capacity, the CVP product life cycle will be greater. In turn, the company will be more competitive if its products are more competitive.