The Green Memory
Every year, billions of flowers are cut to be used in conventional wreaths. Each flower is inserted through a metal rod, into an artificial circular structure. These are the figures in Spain:
400,000 dead each year.
3 wreaths per death / 300 flowers per wreath / 1 wire per flower / 360,000,000 wires.
All end up in the bin without any sort of reuse, all trash.
The challenge in this project was to make an ecological wreath, based on its concept and/or materials. The possible combinations are endless.
The wreath consists of 4 arcs which are united to form a circular base where 16 pots are fitted using guides. The pots can be in kept in the funeral home and can be mounted into a wreath in 5 minutes.
Finally, the plants are handed out at the ceremony, becoming a symbol of live for attendees.