Last June 5, in commemoration of World Environment Day, Innova Industrial Design had the honor to participate in the Conference “ECODESIGN: KEY ELEMENT FOR THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY” in the facilities of Atalayas Ciudad Empresarial EGM. This event brought together leading experts in ecodesign and sustainability.

The day began at 9:30 with a welcome from Esther Benítez Gutiérrez, Human Resources Director of Famosa, and Francisco Samper, President of the EGM Atalayas Ciudad Empresarial. Macarena Segarra, CEO of Treserres, gave a presentation on the importance of eco-design for the circular economy and regulatory compliance, highlighting how eco-design is essential for sustainability and business competitiveness.

At 9:50, Rafael Villar, CEO of Innova Industrial Design, presented a paper on ecodesign, illustrating how it can be integrated into production processes to minimize environmental impact and promote a more sustainable product life cycle.

The event concluded with an interactive colloquium, where attendees exchanged ideas on the challenges and opportunities of eco-design in today’s economy. The closing was in charge of Juan Carlos del Río, Innovation Agent at EGM Atalayas Ciudad Empresarial, who stressed the importance of events like this to foster collaboration and progress towards a circular economy.

We would especially like to thank Macarena Segarra de Treserres, Famosa for giving up the space for the day, and Atalayas Ciudad Empresarial for organizing this significant event. Their support and commitment to eco-design and sustainability are fundamental to moving in this direction.

At Innova Industrial Design, we are proud to be part of this conversation and to actively contribute to the development of sustainable design practices that respect and protect our environment.

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